SOMETIMES UPPER FRONT TEETH don’t come in on time. If more than one year passes since the expected time of arrival of an upper front tooth, usually at age 7, and the front tooth is still delayed, it’s time to take action and visit an orthodontist.
There Are Many Possible Causes...
There are many possible causes of delayed permanent front teeth.
1. A baby tooth may be lost too early due to a cavity or an accident. When this happens, bone and tissue fills the tooth path and the permanent tooth may not be able to push its way out.
2. A baby tooth can be maintained too long. A baby not loose and firmly in place too long may not allow a permanent tooth to come in or may cause the permanent tooth to come in out of place.
3. An extra front tooth in the middle of both front teeth can prevent these front teeth from coming in. This extra middle tooth is called a mesiodens. Sometimes this tooth comes into the roof of the mouth or it may stay stuck in the bone.
4. Front teeth may be deformed, turned sideways, or even upside down. This situation will require a surgical procedure and attachment of a metal chain to pull the tooth into position with braces.
Get An Orthodontic Evaluation By Age 7!
In all of these situations, orthodontic space preparation is important. In some cases, a surgical incision may be all that is necessary to release a front tooth and allow it to come into position.
The esthetic and social consequences of a missing front tooth for a child are significant. This is why the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child have an orthodontic evaluation by age 7.
So please bring your child to Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California for a complimentary consultation if you hear them say "All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth."