DENTAL MIDLINES THAT DO NOT LINE UP are a sign that something much bigger is functionally off in a bite.
When midlines do not line up vertically in the center of the face between your upper and lower front teeth, often there is a major tooth position problem. This is frequently caused by loosing a baby tooth too early and teeth drifting forward into the space. This creates a major bite asymmetry.
Correcting Bite Asymmetry Protects Your Teeth
Bite asymmetry is usually corrected by comprehensive orthodontic treatment, which takes 24 months. Midline discrepancy or uncentered midlines can be treated with Class II or Class III elastics or by having a tooth extracted for an excellent orthodontic result. When tooth tips hit due to asymmetry, orthodontic correction will prevent teeth from being worn down prematurely in the future.
Whatever The Underlying Cause, Orthodontic Treatment Can Correct It
Other causes of midlines which do not line up are tooth size problems of a unilateral small tooth or jaw asymmetry. Both of these conditions can be fixed by comprehensive orthodontic treatment.
This case was treated by Board Certified Orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, Antioch, California. Find us at or call us at (925) 757-9000 for a complimentary orthodontic exam.
Find out why your midlines are not centered. An uncentered midline is just the tip of the bite iceberg!