OUR TEAM IS NOT ONLY CONCERNED WITH YOUR ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT, but we also care about your overall health and comfort. That's why we want to address something that affects one in four households—migraines.
For migraine sufferers, it may seem as though there are only two options—either suffer in silence with a bottle of ibuprofen, or go to the doctor for something stronger. However, experts say that as many as 95% of migraines may be linked to dental issues. So if you, your child, or other family member suffer from migraines, maybe it’s time for a chat with our practice (or your general dentist) instead. If you’re not sure who to talk to first, call us and we can visit about it.
Yes, sometimes the orthodontic work we are doing can cause minor headaches. If this is ever the case for you, please let us know. However, if your headaches are chronic, there may be another cause altogether.
Your Migraines May Be Caused By TMJ or TMD
TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint. This is the joint responsible for jaw movement—talking, crunching, grinding, clenching, etc. It’s a complex system of bones, muscles, and tendons. When something interrupts the function of this system, it’s referred to as TMD, or temporomandibular disorder.
If your jaw is misaligned, your muscles are strained trying to put (or keep) your jaw in its proper place. Soon it starts impacting all the surrounding muscles, including your neck, your head, and even your spine.
Some TMD Symptoms Include:
- Popping or clicking jaw
- Sore teeth
- Facial pain
- Aching neck muscles
- And of course, Migraines
Treating TMD
TMD research is still a developing science and treatments can range from fitting a mouthpiece to actually adjusting one’s bite (which often includes orthodontic work). If you’re suffering from pain in your jaw, your teeth, your face or head, come in and ask us at Gorczyca Orthodontics about it. As you know, we are ALWAYS looking at your bite each time you visit us. However, if you are experiencing some of the symptoms we’ve described here, we should take another look.
If you have questions about TMJ or TMD, leave us a comment below, send us a direct message on Facebook, or contact us for an appointment.
As always, thanks for the trust you place in our orthodontic practice!