PARENTS OFTEN ASK orthodontists what to do if their child is missing one upper lateral incisor.
There Are Two Options For Restoring Your Smile
Missing one lateral incisor makes your smile asymmetrical. There are two options for restoring a symmetrical smile when missing one incisor:
Option 1: Extract the other lateral incisor and close the space
This options is often the treatment of choice for young children. Lateral incisor extraction prevents and need for a future implant, and minimizes time, money, and discomfort.
Option 2: Placement of one implant
A single tooth lateral incisor implant can be placed at adulthood, usually at age 19. The teenager may spend time in a Maryland bridge tooth replacement or a tooth replacement retainer until the time the implant is placed.
It is difficult to match the color, luster, size, and gum contour of a single lateral implant. This option will take more time, money, and additional procedures. It will however eliminate tooth extraction and in some cases give a broader smile.
We Can Help You Compare Choices
Your orthodontist will help you compare and contrast these two treatment choices to decide which is best for you and your family.
Extraction vs. Implant
These cases were treated by Board Certified Orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca of Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Call us today to schedule a complimentary consultation if you have questions regarding missing one lateral incisor.