IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to widen your dental arch for a gold medal smile.
As an adult, broadening your upper jaw may include an orthopedic palatal expansion procedure called SARPE.
SARPE Can Improve Your Bite And Broaden Your Smile
SARPE, surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion, uses oral surgery to lightly release bony sutures of the upper jaw, the maxilla, with an expansion appliance. SARPE expands nasal passages to improve breathing and broadens your dental arch for a big, beautiful smile.
Oral surgeons and orthodontists work together to make SARPE available. Less rapid expansion is often used for increased comfort and stability. Adults age 30 and older with narrow upper dental arches and palates are helped by SARPE to gain a broad, comfortable, and functional bite.
We Can Give You A Winning Smile
This case was treated by Board Certified Orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca of Gorczyca Orthodontics, in Antioch, California. Our office is located within driving distance from San Jose and most cities in the San Francisco Bay Area and is open 5 days a week for your convenience. With over 25 years experience and having treated over 10,000 patients, Dr. Gorczyca guarantees satisfaction and treats each patient one at a time, with tender loving care.
Call us at 925-757-9000 for a personalized and private orthodontic consultation. Find us at
Time off from work with SARPE may be 3 weeks.Time off from rigorous sports training may be 3 months. This SARPE case above took 33 months from start to completion.